About me
I specialize in Leadership and Development with broad and solid experiences in governmental, non-governmental and private socioeconomic and political sectors for the last 20 years. I held positions ranging from a district manager at grass-root levels, Economic Strengthening expert for marginalized segments of the community, to an Executive Director for a large-scale Development Programs in the third most populous region of Ethiopia, till Sep.2018. I am an experienced practitioner, manager and leader with demonstrated skills to formulate policies, build and nurture business and partnerships with a wide range of international and local partners including credible international agencies such as the EU, USAID, UNICEF, and many more. In my roles of such positions, I coordinated, led and managed programs like building constituency, intercity bus transport management, surveys on food security, inclusive girl’s education programs, Child Protection and Participation, Health and Education promotion, Livelihood-business expansion, Research and Networking, Community capacity enhancement for resource mobilization and fund raising. I worked as an Individual Consultant (IC) for Ministry of Urban Development and Construction(MoUDCo) with specialization in Local Economic Development and Job Creation and for Ministry of Laboure and Skills (MoLS) specializing in Emergency Business Supporting. Currently, I work for The World Resources Institute’s Energy Program as a Consultant for data analysis, interpretation, and reporting services with the Energy Access Team of East Africa Region and actively looking for more challenging responsibilities at broader capacity in socioeconomic sectors.
Gelila International Seminary 2018 - 2022
Ph. D. in Christian Leadership and Management
This was a collaborative religious affiliate program organized by Gelila International Seminary and AICCS, Missouri-USA
Ethiopian Kale Heywot Development Commission 2017 - 2018
Manager for Program Design, Resource Mobilization, M&E and Fund Raising
• Led a team of conducting livelihood and food security survey in Borena zone • Developed a project proposal on Build resilient to draught and climate change and ensuring sustainable livelihoods in Dirre, Dillo, Miyo and Moyale districts of Borena zone; • Led a team of conducting inclusive girl’s education status program in Moyale district of Borena zone; • Developed and submitted a winning project proposal for leaving no girls behind in drought prone areas in Southern part of Ethiopia • Mobilized more than 35 million ETB through resource mobilization and fund-raising tools from international donors including FHI360 and STOP-TB/UNIPSO. • Reviewed policies and manuals including resource mobilization guideline, child protection policy, work ethics policy, HIV/AIDS work place policy, Common cost management policy and strategic plan for the organization • Organized, as a team member of facilitating Establishment & Consultation of FBOs on Localization of Humanitarian Response and Identifying their Key Roles in the context of Ethiopia (led by Norwegian Church Aid-Ethiopia) • Developed M&E guideline as part of requirement for positioning and resource mobilization.
Norwegian University of life sciences 2007 - 2009
MSC in Development and natural Resource Economics
I have passed a master's degree in development and management with attention for development.
The Ethiopian Civil Service University 1998 - 2001
BA in Economics
I have passed BA in Economics with great distinction.
Arba-Minch Teachers' training Institute 1992 - 1993
Professional certificate
I have passed a professional certificate of teaching with high rank.
Ethiopian Investment Commission/The World Bank Group 2023 - Present
Economic Opportunities Coordination Unit Director
Leading the $320 million program for facilitating Economic opportunities to Refugees and Ethiopians in an Environmentally and Socially Sustainable manner.
World Resource Institute, East African Office 2022 - 2023
Individual Consultant
Short Term Consultant for Data Analysis, Interpretation and Reporting.
Ethiopian Ministry of Labor and Skill/UNDP 2021 - 2022
Business Emergency Support Specialist/Individual Consultant
The Business Emergency Unit is established to provide support service for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) affected by COVID-19 and the crises in different parts of the country. The objective of this unit is protecting jobs and sustaining businesses severely shocked by the COVID-19 pandemic and crises.
Ethiopian Ministry of Urban Development and Construction/The World bank Group 2019 - 2021
Local Economic Development and Job Creation Specialist/IC
The UIIDP is a multilateral Urban Infrastructure and institutional capacity enhancement program with the government of Ethiopia and the World Bank and other stakeholders. It provides performance-based grants to the 117 urban development and local governances (cities) in Ethiopia for eligible Investments and support to achieve dedicated urban green development program results on capacity building, revenue mobilization and enhancement, financial audit, procurement audit and environmental and social safeguards audits; local economic development and job creation, urban resilience and gender mainstreaming thematic areas.
Ethiopian Kale Heywot Development Commission 2018 - 2019
Senior Manager for Public Health and WASH program
Ethiopian Resident Charity organization as per the classification of the Charities and Societies Agency of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s proclamations. EKHCDC works with communities, government offices and donors and partners to implement its programs that have targeted different group of people residing in different regions within the country. The programs EKHCDC implements include relief, food security, public health, water and sanitation, self-help group, and child development pro- gram. The main objective is to improve the wellbeing of its hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries reached directly every year with different development packages purposely designed to address their specific needs; for example, the child welfare programs provides tens of thousands of children every year with holistic child development supportsIt is
Love in Action Ethiopia/LNGO 2016 - 2017
Program Director
Responsible to lead, coordinate and manage different projects under four programs namely Education and Skills Development Program (ESDP), Health Development Program (HDP), Capacity Development Program (CDP) and Gender and Special needs support program (GSNP)
Alliance Transport SC 2015 - 2015
General Manager
• Managed the roles of four departments: Operation, Technique, Admin and Finance departments with more than 180 staff members working for the company where I expanded the business from its merely 840,000 ETB to 2,460,000 ETB the monthly revenues • Coordinated the organizational capacity and market potential assessment works which has helped the organization to establish bus terminals and new service routes in Addis Ababa and the surroundings Establishment of central and liaison offices; boosting the productivity and integrity of leadership and technical staff and using technology supported stringent follow up systems • It has exploited the opportunities and positive environments through sectorial government policy reviews and adopting the challenges
Organization for Child development and Social Change/LNGO 2013 - 2014
Head of Programs/ Deputy Managing Director
• As part of the senior management team (SMT) of the organization, I was responsible for delivering, reviewing, updating and reporting on strategies and making decisions about the management of the organization. • Manage, support and coordinate the work of project teams of four programs/ thematic areas; • Oversee the development of projects and programs that set a premium on quality, learning and sharing within the organization and with partners; • Developed program strategies as sources of funding; • Follow on the organizational monitoring and evaluation systems work and developing innovative and participatory ways of working with partner organizations in Ethiopia and overseas • Organized and facilitated on-line Tele/Video conferencing among partners from abroad and locally • Coordinated and led joint field level terminal and mid-term evaluations
South Ethiopia People's Development Association 2009 - 2013
Executive Director
• Basically, coordinated the efforts of 23 local NGOs toward achieving their development goals through coordinating panels on different development policies and tools including constituency building. • Facilitated development of constituency building guidelines to be used as reference towards working with different stakeholders and as base for strengthening and expanding networking and partnership building • Organized constituency and capacity building trainings and panels for membership organizations which enabled them to build strong ties with their respective communities. • Sub-national level development and institutional gap assessment was coordinated as a base for bridging the domestic and international allies and hence mobilize resources • Coordinated organization of four Resource Mobilization Exhibitions/Bazaars where at least the values of USD 250,000 mobilized per each event /1 event per year/ • Mobilized about 4 million USD in four years interval through developing project proposals in response to call for proposals which has helped about 1 million needy persons in the areas of water, health, education and food security works • Overall support and coordination made for conducting a baseline study on Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Hawassa city carried on March-April, 2010 • Coordinated the publication of SEPDA and its members’ Directory book in partnership with EU-CSF program, 2012. • Helped the organization enter in to partnerships with international organizations like Save the children, PSI, DFID, EU(CSF), SNV, Plan-Ethiopia, World Learning-Ethiopia, Engender Health, Farm Africa, Action Aid, British Council(CSSP I-II)