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Mudessir Temam Imamu

Environment Specialist

Phone: +231773199066

  • Location:
  • Montserrado, Liberia
  • Sector:
  • Consulting
  • Profile Created:
  • 1 week ago

About me

Mudessir Temam Certified Evaluator Expert by European Qualification Authority (EQA) and accredited by ENAC (Accreditation number: 28/C-PR071).Over all, 18+year experience in Environment and Social disciplines in  various development organization including Road and transport improvement Infrastructure, Building Construction, Humanitarian/Emergency Response, Waste Water Management, Community development Infrastructure, Environmental protection, Watershed/Sustainable Land Management, Irrigation projects, monitoring of Environmental and Social Audit for different manufacturing company including Pharmaceutical, Plastic, Tannery, Textile, Flower, Industrial park and etc.  I  had been working as road project studies from identification, feasibility study, environment impact assessments (EIA), prioritization,  selection and giving comment on design of project including developing training manuals, Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Construction Environmental & Social  Management Plan (C-ESMP) and  participating on the review of road  sector development strategy, road design review and etc. In addition to this, I am engaged in various development project in supporting Waste Water Management Strategy, Climate Resilient Investment facility and  adaptation strategy

Prior to joining EQA, I was done with various  consulting services including:- Environmental Specialist, Social Safeguard Specialist, Environmental and Social Safeguard Specialist (Individual Consultant), Country Representative Volunteer (Environmental Education Program) – Ethiopia, program Officer, Senior Project Officer, and many more position as intermittent/freelancer.

Above all, my work experience in Environment, social, economic and development areas, where I have achieved a lot of encouraging results and performance  initiate me for  further development  intervention area. Moreover, I am great desire in helping to flourish and mobilize communities; and bringing institutional change where critical development questions could be answered by the community itself. Finally, I am  working with International donor and  financer  like World Bank, IFAD, USAID, UNICEF, EU and WFP for project that engaged with them




  • European Qualification Authority (EQA), ENAC (Accreditation number: 28/C-PR071)Madrid Spain 2024 - Present

    Certified Evaluator Expert for Research, Development, and Technological Innovation projects

    Duty and Responsibility:- As certified Evaluator Expert for certification of Research, Development and Technological Innovation Project in the following fields of UNESCO disciplines:- • 250298 - Climate Change • 250503 - Geography of Natural Resources • 250898 - Water Management • 330890 - Environment • 330894 - Environmental Impact • 330896 - Wastewater Decontamination

  • HydroPlan - Ingenieur–Geselschaft mbH H.Q .Germany 2024 - 2024

    Environment Specialist (Intermittent Consultant)

    • Ensure construction activities comply with environmental regulations and international best practices. • Develop and implement a comprehensive environmental management plan covering waste, pollution, and biodiversity. • Ensure contractors adhere to environmental requirements and provide guidance as needed. • Regularly monitor environmental indicators, report on project performance, and maintain accurate records for compliance. • Identify and address potential environmental risks, implementing mitigation measures. • Provide environmental training for project staff and contractors, promoting awareness of environmental protection and sustainability

  • The International support Network for African Development (ISNAD-Africa) (Center for Petroleum, Energy Economics and Law) 2021 - 2022

    Country Representative Volunteer ( Environmental Education Program) - Ethiopia

    • Evaluation and Monitoring of procured goods and services as per specification of projects. • Educate and empowers students in secondary schools across Africa to identify environmental challenges and needs in their locality to enable green growth. • Develop solutions to the identified problems and needs through critical thinking and the application of previously acquired knowledge from subjects in secondary school, gain hands-on experience in implementing their ideas, as hands-on projects, supported through mentorship by international experts, peer learning through group projects. • Creating communication channel so as able to Share their projects with secondary school students, experts from across the globe, partnering organizations among other stakeholder across the globe Initiate and run student-led environmental sustainability clubs, ``EcoHeroes

  • Transport System Improvement Project (TRANSIP 2020 - 2024

    Social Safeguard Specialist - (Individual Consultant)

    Managing Road and construction of building by undertaking the following task including ESIA, ESMPs, Heath and Safety of TRANSIP Project:- • Corridor-1 Road Project from British Embassy to Bole Africa Avenue. • Corridor-2 Road Project from Ummersameter to parliament (Palace). • Corridor-3 Road Project from St.George to Gojam Barenda. • Corridor-4 Road Project from De Gaulle Square to St.Peter Square. • Corridor-5 Road Project from Aratkillo to Urael Brass.. • Review all necessary TRANSIP documents, Safeguard instruments (ESMF, RPF, RAP & Land acquisition documents). • Preparing Environmental and Social Clause to be included in BID of Design for TRANSIP project • Undertake field visits to ascertain magnitude of Safeguard Compliancy and recommend interventions required as per the agreed Safeguard policy. • Train project beneficiary institutions Staff on Social Safeguard aspect of the project. • Study the existing TRANSIP documentation and report and assess how these documents complied with ESMF. • Assess the progress of components of the projects based on the ESMF and the Social Assessment • Identify key issues, challenges and problems at the institution and Program levels with the view of identifying areas in the ESMF and the Social Assessment for improvements & institutional capacity gaps. • Enable more effective and efficient identification, assessment, management and monitoring of each projects subcomponents with elevated Social risks. • Enable better identification of Project components with elevated social risk through the development of procedures and instruments that will enable the rapid assignment of appropriate social category(A, B or C) and identification of project components with potential for resettlement issues. • Update procedures and instruments (Screening forms and checklists) to ensure the appropriate level of social work is undertaken for each program supported subprojects. • Provide clarification on existing gaps between the national legislation from environmental management, resettlement, consultation and disclosure & highlight the mandatory steps necessary to ensure the ESMF & RPF Complies with the applicable World Bank Safeguard Policies and Procedures. • Facilitate incorporation of Safeguard issues into sub-projects planning, design, construction and operation in the way proposed mitigation measures are provided in the tender documents. • Prepare a matrix for gaps and related measures for intervening • Improve Safeguard related monitoring requirements. • Review the projects tracking matrices, quarterly and annual reporting formats, targeting at improvements of data & Information managements for decision making purposes. • Review sub components and activity plan, design, cost and bid documents to ensure social factor & mitigations are incorporated and sub components activity documents are in harmony. • Follow up over all implementation Process of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) of the Project. • Monitoring and evaluations on TRANSIP construction project based on agreed construction Environmental and Social Management plan(C-ESMP) and ESIA. • Review various documents delivered by external consultant on Intelligent Transport system(ITS), BRT, drainage master plan, pedestrian crossing, strategic Environmental & Social Impact Assessment for transport master plan development(STDPD).


    Program Officer

    • Follow up applicability of Core Humanitarian standard and principles of Humanitarian actions in all IDPs site, in Quality and Accountability manner. • Child Protection In Emergency Response, Psychosocial Support, GBV and Gender Equality • Follow up Case Management including identification, registration, tracing, verification & re-unification. • Psychosocial Support for children and GBV Survivor. • Alternative care arrangements for children’s. • Follow up procured item for Internal displaced people (IDP) • Preparing proposal of procured item and to be distributed for vulnerable groups • Monitoring and evaluation of procured Item Properly distributed for needy people in IDP • Providing capacity building for CRC & CC Committee at IDP level. • Minimizing child protection risk/concern on ( GBV, Early marriage, FGM and etc). • Providing basic education service for children at CFSC (Child friendly Space Centre) • Preparing Annual, Quarter, and monthly plan in response to child protection in Emergency. • Reporting, coordinating, organizing, controlling field staff, directing & informing all necessary information as per agreed action plan. • Creating partnership development with key stakeholder to address child in Emergencies IDPs Site

  • Pastoral Community Development Project-3 (PCDP-III) 2018 - 2019

    Senior Project Officer

    • Afar Region Chiefera Woreda Road Project • Somale Region Ferfere woreda Road Project. • Collaborating with procurement team to integrate environmental and social consideration within procurement planning process. • Conducting due diligence on supplier to evaluate their environmental and social performance, assessing their ability to meet sustainability requirement and ensuring compliance with relevant standards and regulation. • To assure and establish effective model of public service delivery, Investment and Disaster management in pastoral and agro- pastoral areas of Ethiopia • Strengthening Institutionalization of Community Demand Driven (CDD) approach at lower level • Quality assurance of community Investment project implemented at grass root level. • Monitoring and controlling of budget at National and regional level including fund transfer, budget utilization, settlements and remaining budget. • Budget for casting and risk management. • Designing short and long term strategic plan. • Preparing annual work plan and budget • Fund transfer request and approval at National and Regional level • Provision of capacity building on community investment fund (CIF), decentralization and participatory planning procedures takes place at the community/Keble & woreda level. • Preparing Annual work plan & Budget disbursement up to 1.5 Billion ETB on annual bases. • Monitoring and evaluation community access road, school construction, water project including spring development, water pipeline and underground water bore hall assisted by solar pump

  • Sustainable Land Management Project-2 (SLMP-II) 2014 - 2018

    Environmental & Social Safeguard Specialist (Individual Consultant)

    • Oromia Region Dendi Woreda road Project • Oromia Region Sibu Sire Woreda Road Project • Oromia Region Bilo Nopa Woreda Road Project. Preparing Environmental and Social Clause to be included in BID of Design for SLMP project • Implementing and follow up the World Bank Safeguard Policies & Procedures including Environmental policies (OP4.01 Environmental Assessment, OP4.04 Natural Habitats, OP4.09 Pest Management, OP4.36 Forestry and OP4.37 Safety of Dams), Social Policies (OP4.11 Physical cultural resources, OP4.12 Involuntary resettlements and OP4.10 Indigenous people) and Legal policies (OP 7.60 Disputed Areas & OP 7.50 International water ways). • Identifying, predicting, evaluating & mitigating the biophysical, Social, cultural and other relevant effects of proposed projects prior to major decisions & commitments made. • Identifying projects based on categorization namely:-Category A (Projects that require full EIA), Category B (Projects require partial EIA) and Category C (Project that not require EIA). • Preparing Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) documents that include screening, scoping, Impact analysis, Mitigation and Impact Management, EIA report, Review and Decision making. • Implementing safeguard Instruments, guidelines and proclamation like Environmental and social management Framework (ESMF), Gender Mainstreaming, Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and etc. • Checking screening procedure, preparing Environmental Management plan (EMP) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) document and follow up approval system and implementation mode for each sub –project • Assuring whether the ESIA and EMP documents well addressed the overcoming adverse impact and mitigation measures. • Reviewing the effectiveness of mitigation measures provide by woredas to reduce adverse impact of sub project on environmental & social aspect. • Start the Eligibility check list to identify likely impact of the project and to move next step up to end of procedures. • Start and Initiate Eligibility check list to identify likely impact of the project and to move next step up to end of procedures. • Ensuring Effectiveness of RAP implementation process done by the Project. • Field data collection for the Gross Margin(GM) analysis designed to identify the impact of SLMP on house hold Income.


Environment Specialiust



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