Kenneth Ozoemenam

Senior Research Fellow

Phone: +2347040778260

  • Location:
  • Enugu, Nigeria
  • Sector:
  • Development Planning
  • Profile Created:
  • 2 months ago

About me

A seasoned development programming expert currently volunteering as a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Nigeria while heading a K-12 educational institution in Nigeria.



  • University of Nigeria 2021 - Present

    Senior Research Fellow

    • Provide leadership and coordinate all research activities within the domain of the social policy programme (social protection, child poverty, public finance for children, and local governance) recently established in the university with the technical support of UNICEF Enugu Field Office, Nigeria towards the promotion of the rights of the child. • Plan and deliver high quality research in all the four components of social policy programme, providing guidance to the research team, sustaining a research plan, and supervising and taking responsibility for the research team. • Establish a national reputation by sustaining the regular dissemination of research findings through leading peer-reviewed publications, presenting results at conferences, or exhibiting work at other appropriate events. • Develop and engage in research methodologies that promote knowledge/understanding of the rights of children. • Identify sources of research funding and secure funds through bids and growing reputation.

  • UNICEF New York, USA 2019 - 2020

    Policy Analyst, Local Governance (P4) at UNICEF NYHQ

    • Made significant technical contributions into the review and finalization UNDP/UNICEF DRR-Peacebuillding e-course in Novermber/December 2019. • Updated/reviewed and finalised technical papers on Scoping Notes on Local Planning and Budgeting and Child Participation in Local Governance • Updated and finalised four (4) Programme Briefs on various titles. • In collaboration with EMOPS, worked on a technical paper, Localisation in Humanitarian Action • Represented UNICEF at various interagency thematic group meetings around local governance programming (Skype/Zoom/Physical) • Developed Concept Notes and analysed CO’s rate of buy-in to HQ programme and policy initiatives.

  • UNICEF Nigeria 2009 - 2021

    Social Policy Specialist

    • Personally provided technical guidance to two State governments in Nigeria to develop and publish subnational Social Protection Policies, as well as their Situation Analyses. • Conducted a study on government investment in children, using trend analysis of annual budgets to provide evidence for advocacy and policy dialogues towards enhanced investment in children. • Developed policy briefs, issue papers, budget briefs, and sectoral programme policies and strategies (WASH/Nutrition/Education). • Was developing on annual basis, the political and socioeconomic analyses of programming environment, as well as the executive summaries, that informed our Field Office annual reports. • Represented UNICEF Nigeria in the technical theme group that designed Nigeria’s flagship Social Investment Programme (SIP), particularly the HCT component that is currently being implemented in Northeast Nigeria. • Provided technical guidance and led the advocacy campaign that resulted in the development, finalisation and signing of subnational Social Protection Policies. • Contributed significantly to development of Nigeria SitAn 2021.

  • UNICEF Nigeria 2004 - 2009

    Gender and Child Participation Officer

    • Co-chaired Donor Coordinating Group on Gender (DCGG) and made substantial inputs into the development and publishing of Nigeria’s first National Gender Policy (2007) and midterm review of the Gender National Strategic Framework (NSF, 2006-2010). • Initiated and coordinated the activities of DCGG that designed and developed monitoring framework for data collection and analysis on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting and other Harmful Practices • Provided technical support to the government of Nigeria for the development of guidelines for the establishment and running of Nigeria Children’s Parliament (NCP), now operational at national and subnational levels. • Successfully organized and co-led a UN Gender Theme Group that facilitated a Participatory Gender Audit (PGA) of Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, UNDP and UNICEF Nigeria Country Office. • Conducted gender analysis of Situation Analysis (SitAn) of FGN-UNICEF Programme of Cooperation (2009-2012).


Development programming
Child rights
Professional and academic writing

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