Post New Job

Josefina Mosle

Communications Director

Phone: +59897972040

  • Location:
  • Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Sector:
  • Communications
  • Profile Created:
  • 2 weeks ago

About me

My name is Josefina Mösle, I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and I work in communication direction, management and strategies, translation and social media.

I have been specializing in digital, environmental and social communication for non-profit organizations for more than seven years.

I am very interested in writing, languages, translation, internal and external communication management, and social media.

I’m an English teacher and I studied English-Spanish / Spanish-English translation at Anglo Institute, and in 2023, I finished my studies of Italian at Istituto Italiano di Cultura.

In July 2018 I was selected amongst 99 other journalism students from around the world to participate in the Future News Worldwide 2018 journalism conference, organized by the British Council. The conference took place in Edinburgh, Scotland, and I had the opportunity to represent Uruguay in it. There were talks by the best international journalists, who trained us in journalistic ethics, multimedia journalism, war journalism, correspondency, protection for journalists, training in interviewing survivors of traumatic experiences, among others (BBC, Google, Facebook). I also had the opportunity to be selected for media conferences in Hungary and Australia.

In 2019 I was a speaker at the media and social media conference, Social Media Day, organized by Universidad ORT and Antel.

In 2021 I was a delegate representing the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, hosted in Glasgow, Scotland.

I also have extensive experience in event marketing and comms, and coordinating communications teams.

My professional goal is to bring all my passions together to generate real and necessary change. I believe in communicating with a purpose, and I continue to learn every day.



Communications Direction



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