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Fieldwork Partner

@IPPF Africa Region in Consulting
  • Post Date : March 3, 2025
  • Apply Before : March 9, 2025
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  • Work Location  Onsite jobs

Job Description

Reading Time: 5 minutes

CEIs are cross-sectional surveys conducted at service delivery points (SDPs) to gather insights from program recipients, primarily family planning (FP) service users. This data informs payment against key performance indicators (KPIs), tracks progress, and shapes future program strategies. CEIs will consist of three annual rounds to establish trends and benchmarks, particularly for poverty measurement indicators, disability measurement, and client satisfaction.

A client exit interview (CEI) questionnaire has already been created, but it will be streamlined in collaboration with the fieldwork partner to revise the questions, including some country-specific adaptations. Previous experience from WISH2ACTION indicates that interviews typically take 25 to 45 minutes per client, depending on language and skip patterns. The CEIs will also adhere to a standardized implementation protocol and sampling framework that has been developed for use across all countries.

Data from CEIs will provide critical input for understanding the client population being reached, informing strategies, and adapting programming and learning; in addition, it is essential to source data for reporting on the following preliminary performance indicators:

  • Estimate the percentage change in modern contraceptive prevalence rate (MCPR).
  • Estimate of the proportion of women aged 15–49 making informed decisions on SRHR.
  • Estimate the percentage of WISH 2 clients who demonstrated positive attitudes, practices, and community support for family planning.
  • Estimate the proportion of WISH 2 clients referred through exposure to WISH 2-supported messaging/activities.
  • Estimate the proportion of family planning client visits who are living in severe multidimensional poverty.
  • Estimate of the proportion of family planning client visits by persons with disabilities.
  • Percentage of WISH 2 clients who receive comprehensive counselling according to Method Information Index (MII) Plus criteria.
  • Estimate the proportion of WISH 2 clients receiving additional services alongside family planning.

The CEI sampling framework is designed to ensure that client exit interview data is representative at the channel level: static clinics, mobile/outreach, and community-based distribution. The sampling approach is:

  • 40 or fewer sites per channel, census approach to include all sites with interviews of 107 clients per channel per country
  • More than 40 sites per channel, randomly sample 40 sites with interviews of 214 clients per channel per country

3. Scope of Work

The fieldwork partner will oversee and implement all fieldwork aspects of the Client Exit Interviews (CEIs). This will involve close coordination with IPPF’s WISH Hub Team, as well as engaging in direct communication with in-country partners who have ownership, management, or partnership agreements in place with the clinical sites (SDPs). The project is set to begin in early 2025, with the fieldwork partner starting immediately upon the contract award. The work will be conducted in three main phases:

Phase 1: Planning and Preparation

  • Participate in CEI Inception Workshop
  • Familiarize participants with the WISH 2 protocols and tools.
  • Get familiar with the study methodology, especially the sampling strategy.
  • Collaborate with MAs to submit and obtain IRB approvals at national levels.
  • Script country-specific tools using programs like Survey CTO or equivalent software.
  • Develop a comprehensive data collection plan that includes recruitment and training of enumerators, field supervision, and data quality control measures.
  • Develop a risk management plan for fieldwork for all project countries

Phase 2: Implementation

  • Co-lead the training workshop for trainers.
  • Train in-country research teams, including MAs, with an emphasis on protocol adherence and data quality.
  • Conduct data collection using Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) at static, mobile, and community-based service delivery points (SDPs).
  • Ensure continuous, systematic quality checks during fieldwork, including GPS validation and adherence to skip patterns, with support from MAs.

Phase 3: Analysis and Reporting

  • Work with the WISH 2 Hub to clean and code the dataset.
  • Deliver a cleaned dataset to IPPF within agreed timelines.

4. Methodology

A two-stage sampling approach that ensures representativeness at the SDP level.

  • Stage 1: Select SDPs based on client flow and SDP categorization.
  • Stage 2: Select clients systematically at SDPs using calculated sampling intervals.

5. Data Collection

  • Lead the training of enumerators to conduct interviews using electronic data capture together with MAs. SDP and field managers from MAs will support them in ensuring systematic client selection.
  • To maintain high-quality data, a robust quality assurance process should be in place, which includes fieldwork supervision and daily checks by in-country teams to ensure compliance with established protocols. Fieldwork supervision will be done in collaboration with MAs.
  • The IPPF WISH 2 Hub will conduct systematic periodic reviews to identify and resolve any data quality issues that may be identified.

6. Ethical Considerations

The study will adhere to ethical guidelines, securing global ethics approvals and all relevant national Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). Research processes will ensure informed consent, confidentiality, and minimal respondent risk.

7. Deliverables

  • Adapted country-specific ethics protocols and approvals
  • Country-specific adapted and translated data collection tools.
  • Country-specific adapted and translated training pack, including a training manual
  • Communication plan with MAs and partners
  • Fieldwork, monitoring, and data quality assurance plan
  • Daily monitoring sheets
  • Fieldwork Inception report
  • Consent forms
  • Training reports
  • Fieldwork and quality assurance reports.
  • Cleaned and coded datasets.

8. Consultancy Requirements

8.1.1 Technical Proposal

  • Detailed approach and methodology for executing the assignment.
  • A timeline that aligns with the proposed CEI rounds.
  • Description of tools, techniques, and technologies to be used.

8.1.2 Financial Proposal

  • A detailed budget breakdown, including fieldwork costs, payment milestones, personnel, operational and other expenses.
  • Cost-efficiency measures and justification of proposed costs.

8.1.3 Firm Profile

  • Overview of the firm, including areas of expertise and years of experience.
  • Organizational structure and capacity to handle multi-country assignments (if applicable).

8.1.4 Team Composition

  • Resumes/CVs of key personnel, highlighting their experience in similar projects.
  • Specific roles and responsibilities of team members in the project and team structure (including team leader, fieldwork managers, data scientist, coder, etc).

8.1.5 Previous work experience

  • List of similar projects conducted in the past, including client references.
  • Summary of achievements and outcomes from previous work (Provide links if possible).

8.1.6 Quality Assurance (QA) Plan

  • Strategies for ensuring data accuracy, consistency, and reliability.
  • Mechanisms for addressing data quality issues.

8.1.7 Risk Management Plan

  • Identification of potential risks and mitigation strategies.
  • Contingency plans for unforeseen challenges.

9. Evaluation Criteria

The successful partner will demonstrate the following:

  • Expertise in quantitative research and multi-country studies.
  • Experience in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) research, particularly in WISH 2 countries or similar contexts.
  • Proven capacity-building experience, especially with local organizations.
  • A competitive and feasible pricing structure.

10. Application procedure and deadline

Companies/firms are required to submit the following documents/information:

  • A Letter of Interest, stating why you consider yourself/your firm suitable for the assignment.
  • Detailed company profile (Maximum 5 pages) indicating the names of the company directors or the individual Resume.
  • A technical proposal that clearly address the scope of services required and demonstrate how the provider will meet IPPFAR’s needs.
  • Proof demonstrating your extensive experience in handling fieldwork services specifically tailored for international organizations and SRHR.
  • Copy of valid Tax Compliance Certificate,
  • Copy of current TIN (Tax Identification Number), and/or a TCC (Tax Compliance Certificate); Copy of Certificate of Registration/Incorporation from Registrar of Companies (if applicable).
  • Copy of Business permit (if applicable)

Please submit your application to with the subject “Fieldwork Partner, a Call for Proposals”.

Each proposal should be submitted by 9th of March 2025. Technical and financial proposals as well as the supporting documents must be separate documents (the 2 proposals and zipped documents of the supporting documents). Only proposals meeting all mandatory requirements will be considered for evaluation.

Preference will be given to organizations with a strong track record of delivering large-scale research projects and fostering local partnerships.

Proposals focusing on a single country may also be considered based on track record and delivery of large-scale research projects within the selected country.

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