About me
I worked for World Vision International programs for ten years. I worked as Area Program Coordinator where I was managing different Project in the Area Program. I worked on Health, Education, Livelihoods and WASH Projects as Technical Coordinator. My role was mainly to implement Project activities to achieve the broad impact and thus contribute to the Organizational strategy. The implementation of Projects prioritized Girls as a vulnerable group in the society. The Projects included cross cutting themes that prioritized girls such as ending early marriage, preventing teenage pregnancy, prioritization of Gender and Social Inclusion to curb marginalization of girls in transformational development.
I worked for Habitat International as a Programs Officer for twenty two months. In my role I ensured that vulnerable girls especially double orphans have access to safe homes by providing them with housing and sanitation facilities. I also worked on WASH projects. i am part of Proposal writing team , this exposes me to fund raising for the Organization. I am also a Safeguarding focal person ensuring that programming does not bring any harm to girls and other vulnerable groups in the communities. I am also a Monitoring Evaluation with Accountability and Learning focal person ensuring that impact is measured of all the efforts of the Organization